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Nanotechnology Resources

Nanotechnology is one of the fast moving technologies that StratVantage advises clients about. See the TrendSpot for information about other emerging trends. No matter what industry you are in, you will feel the impact of nanotech on your business by the end of this decade. Here are some resources to help get you up to speed. Last updated September 21, 2005

Background Reading



9th Foresight Conference

Ninth Foresight Conference

A proposed "metabolism" for a hydrocarbon assembler

Ralph C. Merkle, 1997

Computational nanotechnology

Ralph C. Merkle, 1991

Convergent assembly

Ralph C. Merkle, 1997

Design considerations for an assembler

Ralph C. Merkle, 1995

Engines of Creation (full text in html)

K.Eric Drexler’s classic 1987 book

Fullerene Patent Database


Fullerene Structure Library

Maintained by the Molecular Structure Laboratory in the USB Chemistry Department

Getting A Lift From An Engineering Makeover


IBM Research Resources News


Information Theory and Molecular Recognition

 ( Schneider NCI Laboratory of Mathematical Biology) Lab

It's a small, small, small, small world

Ralph Merkle's article

Merkle Presentation

Ralph Merkle

Molecular 3D models


Molecular manufacturing: adding positional control to chemical synthesis

Ralph C. Merkle, 1993

Molecular Robotics

Ralph C. Merkle’s 1994 paper, A New Family of Six Degree Of Freedom Positional Devices,




Resource page by Robert A. Freitas Jr.

Nanotechnology and medicine

Ralph Merkle's article

Nanotechnology in Manufacturing

John Walker of AutoDesk

Nanotechnology: the Coming Revolution in Molecular Manufacturing

K.Eric Drexler, Chris Peterson, Gayle Pergamit

NAS nanotechnology resource listing



Natl Space Society

Positional assembly

Ralph C. Merkle’s 1993 paper

Post-Scarcity Economics/Culture of Abundance Reading List v2.2


Prometheus Returns

Cornell Science & Technology magazine, 1995

Prospects in Nanotechnology: Toward Molecular Manufacturing

Proceedings from the First General Conference on Nanotechnology: Development, Applications, and Opportunities; held in November, 1992. Edited by Markus Krummenacker and James Lewis

Reversible computing

Ralph Merkle's article

Self replication

Zyvex on self replication

Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop 1997, Kyoto, Japan


Spiritual Robots

Ralph C. Merkle’s talk, Spiritual Robots

Steps towards molecular manufacturing

Markus Krummenacker

Theoretical studies of a hydrogen abstraction tool for nanotechnology


There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom

Richard Feynman’s classic talk given on December 29th 1959

Unearthing Buckyballs

Oak Ridge Lab




Full text of Freitas’ Nanomedicine book


Nano Letters

American Chemical Society Publication

Nanosystems: molecular machinery, manufacturing, and computation

Book by K. Eric Drexler

NanoTechnology Magazine


Unbounding the Future: the Nanotechnology Revolution (full text in HTML)

Book by Eric Drexler and Chris Peterson, with Gayle Pergamit, 1991

 Commercial Efforts



Argonide Energetic Materials, Biomaterials, and Ceramic Products 2001

Maker of nanoscale energetic materials for use in  weapons, propulsion systems, biomaterials, microelectronics and powder metallurgy.

Applied Nanoworks Applied NanoWorks delivers nanotechnology solutions that work to meet research, product development and technology innovation requirements. Their nanocrystal technologies deliver a wide range of nanocompounds ranging in size, form factor and properties.

Atom Sciences, Inc.

DNA detection technology

Aveka Nano powders, spin off of 3M

California Molecular Electronics Corporation (CALMEC)


exponential assembly

Zyvex on machines that assemble other machines

Investor Ideas
research and investment opportunities in Security and Nanotechnology

Lightyear Technologies Inc.


Molecular Assembly Sequence Software (MASS)

Carol Shaw

Molecular Dynamics

Molecular Dynamics is now a part of Amersham Biosciences, formerly Amersham Pharmacia Biotech

Molecular Manufacturing Enterprises, Incorporated

Investor and advisor to nanotech companies

Molecular Simulations Inc.

Molecular Simulations Inc. is now Accelrys

Moore Nanotechnology Systems

Ultra Precision Machine Tools, SPDT, Flycutters, Aspheric Grinders, Hard Turning Lathes

NanoLab, Inc.




Nanomechanics LLC


Nanometer Pattern Generation System


NanoPowders Industries



Requires membership


Piezo Motors Micro Positioner Micro Manipulator Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Nanotechnology Industries


Scanning tunneling microscopy at IBM Almaden



Sells Fullerenes


Commercial NSOM manufacturer


Zyvex is working on creating MEMS

 Governmental Efforts





NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts


NASA-JSC Area Nanotechnology Study Group


National Nanotechnology Initiative


NIH molecular modeling


NIST Physics Lab Nanotechnology

National Institute of Standards and Technology


Sandia Intelligent Micro Machine Initiative  

MEMS Movies @ Sandia

Machine capable of 500,000 RPM

 Links Pages



Links to information about diamond CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition).




MicroWorld Resources and News

On-line microscopy and microanalysis resources



Molecular Manufacturing Shortcut Group (MMSG)

Chapter of the National Space Society

Nano design and related issues


Nanotech resources listing

Maintained by Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation at NASA

Nanotechnology Database

Loyola College, Maryland

Nanotechnology Links

Nanotech resource links

Nanotechnology on the WWW

maintained by Sean Morgan

Nanotechnology Organizations

List of nanotech organizations

Pedro's Biomolecular Research Tools


Publications on DNA based Computers

Princeton University

Small is Beautiful: a collection of nanotechnology links



Nanotech resource links

Tradewave (formerly EINet)

Maintained by Blaine Stine

Visual images





New York Times (registration required) Tiny Is Beautiful: Translating 'Nano' Into Practical
Business Week A Nanotech Pioneer's Sober Assessment
Azonano The Nanotechnology Revolution Needs to Focus on Business Development as well as Research
Forbes ($$$) Forbes/Wolfe Nanotechnology Report
Marketwire AMRC Research Leads to Promising Nanotechnology Application for Chip Industry
Small Times Oklahoma-Developed Nanotechnology To Be Showcased In Japan
The Dominion Nanotechnology and the Rebirth of Alchemy



Journal of Molecular Modeling



News and Discussion of Coming Technologies



Nanotechnology Chemical & Engineering News




Science Now


Universe Today


Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology


 Non-Profit Organizations



Institute of Physics Publishing


International Society for Molecular Electronics and BioComputing (ISMEBC)



Organization for Minnesota Nanotechnology Initiatives (OMNI)

Texas Nanotechnology

Texas Nanotechnology Initiative




Aerospace Nanotechnology Research

Department of Aerospace & Mechanics, University of Minnesota

Atomic Images

IBM Almaden Research Center Visualization Lab

Bucky News Service

Abstracts of recent papers on Fullerene Research up until 1994. Requires membership.

Buckyball Home Page

Department of Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2000

Center for Atomic Scale Material Physics (CAMP)

Denmark, 2002

Center for Computational Biology

Washington University, St. Louis

Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology

Rice University

Center for NanoSpace Technologies


Center for Nanotechnology

NASA Ames Laboratory, 2002. Includes a gallery of images.

Centre for Quantum Computation

University of Oxford

Centre for Self-Organising Molecular Systems (SOMS Centre)

University of Leeds, UK

Computational Nanotechnology Group

Center for Computational Sciences

Crystal Sketchpad


EMBnet: European Molecular Biology Network


EMBOSS The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite

University of Zurich

Energenius Centre for Advanced Nanotechnology (ECAN)

University of Toronto

ExPASy Molecular Biology Server


Foresight Institute


Fullerene Gallery

Maintained by Mitshuho Yoshida

Fullerene Group


Fullerene Science Module

Introduction to the chemistry of fullerenes by John R. Bleeke and Regina F. Frey (Washington University)

Geometry in Action

Maintained by David Eppstein, ICS, UC Irvine

How To Make Fullerenes

Chemistry Department, Widener University

IBM Almaden Research Center Visualization Lab


Institute for Molecular Manufacturing


Institute of Biophysics

Center Interdepartimental on Biophysical-chemical and Biomedical Technologies (IBF & CITBB)

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)


Laboratory for Molecular Robotics


Laboratory of Mathematical Biology

Maintained by Tom Schneider, National Cancer Institute

Laboratory of Semiconductor Optoelectronics

Physics Department, Moscow State University

Materials and Process Simulation Center (MSC)

The Beckman Institute at Caltech

Microelectronics Laboratory

University of Illinois

Molecular and Electronic Nanostructures

The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign UIUC)

Molecular Structure Laboratory

Department of Chemistry at the University at Stony Brook (NY)

Nanocomputer Dream Team -

Building the world's first Nanoscale Supercomputer


Cornell University

Nanomanipulator Project

Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC

Nanomechanics: spectroscopy and imaging

Physics Department, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Nanoscale Physics

Purdue University

Nanostructure Laboratory at MIT


NanoStructures Laboratory (NSL)

Princeton University

Nanotech at RAND


Nanotech Research at IBM


Photonics Center

Boston University

Purdue Cluster-Based Materials Group

Ronald P. Andres, Advisor Strange redirection error

Purdue NanoTechnology Initiative (NTI)


Rice Quantum Institute (RQI)


Solid State Spectroscopy

Institute of Materials Physics of the University of Vienna

Stanford NanoFabrication Facility


The Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology

Rice University

University of Sussex Fullerene Group



A program for G-Protein Coupled Receptor modelling

VRML of a buckyball and a nanotube

By Mark Barrow at the University of Warwick


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