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Quick Com – Secure File Sharing

Quick Com claims to have the only true, serverless, peer-to-peer secure file sharing application in its e-Courier™ application. The Java-based solution also offers guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) and simultaneous point-to-point delivery through multicasting. E-Courier supports a variety of levels of security through encryption, including the ability to run over Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).


The application automatically populates a user directory and offers Presence Management, the ability to know when colleagues are online. It works on any Java 2 platform and the vendor claims it is plug and play, with no complicated set up.


The company also claims that a US-based industry association with 500 member companies representing 2,500 users saved more than $1.6 million dollars on Fax and postal services using the software.


Vendors like Quick Com are addressing a need for companies to find a secure, guaranteed method of delivery for mass distributed materials. While email is often used for such purposes, it is neither secure, nor particularly reliable. Every businessperson gets spam on a daily basis, and cutting through that clutter can be difficult. By implementing a dedicated file distribution system, one-to-many file delivery can become more effective and certainly more secure.  In addition, the one-to-one file-sharing burden can be taken off the internal email system using such applications.


Others providing similar solutions include Yaga, Oculus Technologies, and Texar.


There's more on other P2P companies and their applications in Part 2 of CTOMentor's peer-to-peer white paper: Peer-to-Peer Computing and Business Networks: More Than Meets the Ear, Part 2 – How Are Businesses Using P2P? Part 2 is available at MindCrossing for a fee of $50. Part 1 - What is P2P? is available for free at CTOMentor.

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