The News -- 9/28/00
Rocket Cars That Go Splat,
Involuntary Kidney Donations, and Other Net Myths
believe everything you read, and especially, don't believe everything you
see in your email box. I've spent many hours over my career trying to
extinguish various types of net myths, which take on a life of their own as
well-meaning colleagues forward them endlessly and clog up the corporate
email system. In fact, for years, my particular pet peeve was the notion
that you could harm your computer by reading an email. For years, this was
not true. Sadly, reality caught up with myth, and today, email really can
eat your computer. This article points to a number of excellent sites you
can go to to find out if that juicy rumor is really true.
LA Times
Oracle B2B Not So Hot
Ellison has vowed to smash B2B competitors like Ariba and Commerce One.
This article says it hasn't happened yet; will it ever? Oracle claims to be
powering 55 online trading exchanges, including eight industry consortium
exchanges. But their own exchange, Oracle Exchange, is a joke.
Dinosaurs Can Dance
One of the
original exchanges, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, is getting on the
Web, licensing Primex Trading's online auction software. There's life in
the old girl yet.
News Release