How to Create a Secure Password You Can Remember
It’s human nature to resist the demand by
security personnel that you create a secure password and change it frequently. People
typically use a password only a few times daily and may have established
accounts at a variety of intranet and Internet sites that they find hard to
keep straight. Because of this, people have a tendency to choose passwords that
are easy for them to remember, perhaps based on the names of friends, family, sports
teams, or pets. Unfortunately, such passwords are also easy for someone else to
Add to this the fact that the security of
the password should reflect the sensitivity of the resource secured. You may
not care too much if someone hijacks your HotMail account, but you’d definitely
be interested if they stole your bank account. However, if you always use
passwords that are secure and memorable (to you), you don’t need to be as
worried about suffering identity theft.
Here are some rules to help you keep your
accounts secured by creating secure and memorable passwords.
Good Passwords:
- Contain a minimum of one character from at least three of the
following four classes:
o Lower case letters
o Upper case letters
o Arabic numerals (i.e. 1, 2,
3, 4, etc)
o Special characters such as
!, #, %, $, _, @, *.
- Include more than one number and/or one or more special characters
(for example, %, $, '.). Are at
least 7 or 8 characters long
- Are easy to remember (don't write them down, don’t save them in a
disk file)
- Can be typed quickly so that someone can not watch you enter the
- Can use acronym that is special to you – examples:
”'65 Mustangs are better than anything from the '80s” becomes “65ma>80+”
”the quick brown dog jumps over the lazy cat” becomes “TqbDj/tlC”
”ain't nobody's business if I do” becomes “a't0biId”
(Please do not use these - create your own!)
- Are used for one account only. Do not use the same password for
multiple accounts. If it is ever compromised, the cracker’s got access to
your whole online life.
- Are rotated at least every 90 days. And don’t rotate them by just
incrementing an included number.
Bad Passwords:
- Anyone's name
- Any combination of your login name, first and last name. A
password should NOT be based on:
o Modifying any part of your
name or name+initials;
o Modifying a dictionary word;
o Popular acronyms;
- Anyone's Birthday
- Things you like: favorite locations, films, books, colors, or any
other data that could be easily obtained about you
- Any word in the English dictionary
- Any word in a foreign dictionary
- Fantasy Characters
- A proper noun
- A place
- Your phone number
- Your Social Security number
- Your Address
- Your license plate number
- Profanity
- Passwords all the same letter
- Simple patterns of letters on the keyboard (“sss”, “asdf”, “qwerty”)
- Short word pairs joined together (“theto”)
- Look out for smileys ... :-)
Bad password Examples:
- alec7 – it's based on the user’s name (and it's too short anyway)
- gillian – name
- naillig – ditto, backwards
- theskyisblue – common phrase, no numbers, no punctuation
- PORSCHE911 – it's in a dictionary
- 12345678 – it's in a dictionary and people can watch you type it
- abcxyz – ...ditto...
- 0ooooooo – ...ditto...
- Computer – just because it's capitalized doesn't make it safe
- wombat6 – ditto for appending some random character
- 6wombat – ditto for prepending some random character
- merde3 – even for french words...
- mr.spock – it's in a sci-fi dictionary
- zeolite – it's in a geological dictionary
- ze0lite – corrupted version of a word in a geological dictionary
If you’re not terrified about security,
you’re not paying attention!™
You may think these rules are paranoid. But
there’s a good reason why: Modern password cracking programs use dictionaries
of a dozen languages, proper names, religious texts (for example, the Bible and
the Koran), myths, phrases, almanacs and whole major texts (for example, Paradise
Lost). Additionally, modern password crackers test for rotations (for example, elaFleckB),
reversals (for example, luapts), numerical padding (for example, misty9),
letter replacement (for example, ball00n) and dozens of other rules. A secure
password should avoid these weaknesses.
So make your password secure, make it
memorable, and be careful out there!