StratVantage Resources
StratVantage is allied with professionals in application development, marketing (brand development, marketing communications and permission marketing), network development and security. StratVantage can bring best of breed professionals like the following to solve your business problems to help you leverage new technologies.
A direct and permission marketing veteran with nearly 20 years experience in developing and implementing marketing strategies and tactics. His background includes extensive experience in advertising and marketing, including direct and database marketing, product development/management, strategy and brand development. He is also versed in campaign management, database development and marketing information systems. His industry experience includes: Insurance/Healthcare, Technology, Software, Telecommunications, Fundraising, Retail, Food, Hospitality and Entertainment.
A market researcher who specializes in business research and lead generation to support new product and business development. With more than 15 years of experience as a market researcher, product manager and database analyst, he has worked for firms such as Deloitte & Touche, Omron Healthcare and Goldsmith, Agio & Helms doing survey research, phone interviews, questionnaire design and data tabulation. Survey efforts he has led include canvassing AARP members about blood pressure monitoring, nurses about thermometer products, and doctors about a specialty stethoscope.
A decision support and data warehousing veteran who has enjoyed a 20-year career in consumer products, information services, and consulting. His experience includes being Vice President of Consulting for a start-up CRM software company, Director of Data Warehouse Consulting at Prism Solutions (later acquired by Ardent Software), Vice President of Decision Support Software for ACNielsen, where he was responsible for the sales and support of software for multi-dimensional reporting, expert data analysis and data navigation, and industrial engineer at the Proctor & Gamble Company.
An information security auditor with experience in business system productivity, quality, and protection in working with Information Resource Management (IRM) and Information Security Management (ISM) in the public, private, and academic sectors. His focus is on business disruption avoidance and scenario-based team training. He served as an on-line guest lecturer for Capella University's Cyber Threats to Enterprise Security Workshop.
A marketing strategist specializing in planning and Implementation with experience in positioning of products and companies, identifying and developing new market opportunities, writing marketing plans, launching new products, conducting market research, communications - internal and external,analyzing competition, synthesizing database information, and· developing and delivering sales training.
A senior data warehouse developer with more than 20 years experience developing large scale databases on mainframe and UNIX platforms. He has experience implementing CRM packages such as E.piphany and spend 6 years as a consultant for Oracle implementing large scale enterprise solutions. He also created the first integrated data warehouse/decision support system for the CPG industry in 1993.
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