Be on the wave or under it
The News – 02/20/02
In this Issue:
Recommended Reading
I realize this is the only
newsletter you’ll ever need, but if you want more in-depth
detail, check out:
Stan Hustad’s The Coaching Connection
Handhelds in Health Care
Wireless is one of those technology areas that always seems to
be impending. Each of the last two years has been the year of
wireless according to industry boosters. Pundits and prophets
breathlessly report each twist and turn in the story. Yet when
wireless nirvana hasn’t arrived, detractors have declared wireless
a technology in search of a problem.
Wireless is here; so’s the gear. Get used to it.
Want proof? Take a look at health care, particularly in the hospital
setting. Now there’s an information management problem. You’ve
got doctors roaming around from room to room, changing orders,
taking notes, and making life and death decisions. You’ve got
nurses and other medical professionals monitoring patients, administering
treatments and medications, and sometimes trying to figure out
what the doctor said. Hospitals run on information, and the reliable
transmission of information.
It’s critical to make sure that all this information is accurate,
timely, and always available. That means most hospitals are in
the paper shuffling business. Medical records departments are
awash in it. For example, the RehabCare
Group in St. Louis, an outsourcing staffing firm with 2000 therapists
working at nearly 500 sites estimates that their therapists were
writing and faxing an average of 3,000 pages of information each
week. Many hospitals and clinics spend lots of money on keying
services to convert the paper to bits so that the information
can be managed.
Some hospitals today are digitizing the information at the source:
the doctors and the nurses who care for patients. According to
the Doctors
Say E-Health Delivers study conducted this fall by the
Boston Consulting Group and Harris Interactive, 89 percent of
physicians use the Internet, 22 percent use electronic medical
records to store and track information about their patients, and
11 percent are prescribing drugs electronically. The study further
found that doctors were planning on adopting electronic information
practices at a rapid rate.
Many of these forward-thinking doctors are going mobile. For
example, about 30 doctors at the University of Minnesota have
been testing a modular mobile Electronic Medical Records (mEMR™)
software program designed by AllScripts
Healthcare Solutions. The modular nature of the AllScripts solution
allows doctors to start using one solution and progressively add
others. The company offers the following modules:
Using the AllScripts TouchWorks™ Dictate system, the Minnesota
doctors record patient notes on wireless-enabled Compaq iPac Pocket
PCs, creating an audio file that is sent wirelessly to medical
transcribers through the hospital’s radio frequency network. The
software supports dictation templates that can be customized to
match hospital forms.
If the doctor strays outside the hospital’s radio network, when
he or she enters an area with a wireless transceiver, the data
is transmitted automatically. This is especially helpful since
the University of Minnesota's physicians work in more than 150
clinics around the state. Currently, 38 of the clinics are equipped
with wireless equipment to capture data and transfer it to traditional
land-based networks. The uploaded information is accessible to
doctors and others through a Web site using their handhelds or
office computers.
The physicians group plans to introduce the software's other
functions over a period of time, said Todd Carlson, Chief Operating
Officer. After implementing medical transcription, the group will
expand to electronic laboratory results, billing, scheduling,
patient care and referring physician information.
Security of the data was a normal concern, and one that will
become even more important once the HIPAA
(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)
regulations come into effect. “We are really afraid of hackers
because we're on a college campus and we're afraid students will
attempt to hack into our wireless system,” said Carlson. “We did
a hacking audit with Ernst & Young at an additional cost because
we wanted the system to be safe and secure.”
The Rehab Care Group in St. Louis is in the process of equipping
as many as 1,500 of their workers with Palm Pilots, according
to Senior Vice President and CIO Jeff Roggensack. The company
developed a custom application that works with Palm handhelds.
“It streamlines the data collection process for our therapists
working in the field, and eliminates the faxes, data entry, delays
and handwriting errors experienced with the paper-based system
used previously,” said Roggensack. Currently, the workers synch
their Palms with desktop PCs for transmission, although wireless
access is planned for the future.
Today, 19 percent of physicians own personal digital assistants,
and that number should exceed 40 percent by 2005, according to
Fulcrum Analytics. A Forrester survey of 44 medical practice managers
for a report titled Doctors Connect with Handhelds, found
that physician practice managers are actually “overexuberant”
about the potential of using mobile computing devices. If their
predictions turn out to be true, 86 percent of practices will
be processing prescriptions on handheld computers by 2003, whereas
only 11 percent of practices do so today. Forrester predicts the
market for mobile physician software, devices and management will
grow from a $21.4 million market today to a $1.6 billion market
in 2007.
According to Taking
the Pulse v 2.0: Physicians and Emerging Information Technologies
by Fulcrum Analytics and Deloitte Research, more than half of
all physicians who responded to a survey hope to view lab results
via their PDAs in the future. Of the 30 percent who report that
they currently own a PDA, 84 percent maintain their personal schedules
and 67 percent manage their professional scheduling through the
So the docs are on the leading edge, and are impatient for more
wireless applications. They’re not the only ones. Wireless has
applications in many industries, according
to Summit Strategies analyst Jennifer DiMarzio. DiMarzio suggests
considering the use of mobile wireless technology if the location
of your workers, or of their next assignment, changes frequently;
if timely information improves productivity; and if your company
can improve billing if employees can instantly record the work
as they finish it.
Briefly Noted
- Shameless Self-Promotion Dept.: CTOMentor
has published a new paper called Basic Home Networking Security
that should be of interest to anyone who wants to access at-work
networks from home.
The paper covers, in plain language, types of threats, secure
home networking practices, and describes the basic home network
security toolkit every home user should have.
CTOMentor is also offering a two-part white paper on peer-to-peer
technology: Peer-to-Peer Computing and Business Networks:
More Than Meets the Ear. Part 1, What is P2P?, is
available for free on the CTOMentor Web
site. Part 2, How Are Businesses Using P2P?, is available for $50.
- Kmart Supply Chain at Fault: Kmart CEO
Chuck Conaway blamed many of Kmart's problems on its supply
chain. In September, Kmart wrote off $130 million for supply
chain hardware and software and another $65 million for replacing
two distribution centers. It didn’t help them avoid bankruptcy
court. Nonetheless, Kmart plans
to spend $1.7 billion or so on a project to improve the flow
of goods to store shelves.
Internet Week
- Defacement Tracking
Site Owner Steps Aside: The operator
of a great resource for keeping tabs on Web site defacements
(changes in Web pages caused by cybercriminals) is calling it
quits. The Alldas.de Web site, which archives copies of defaced
Web pages, announced that its founder would be retiring and
the site moved to a new domain. Stefan Wagner said that dealing
with system administrators who blamed Alldas.de for their defaced sites, denial-of-service
attacks launched against his site, and a lack of a social life
made him hang up his spurs. The site will move to Alldas.org
in early March and be run by two staffers and volunteers.
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