Our site has numerous resources to help you begin to understand the impact emerging technologies are having on today's businesses.
The StratVantage News Summary
The StratVantage News Summary is a periodic consideration of recent news and events of note. We try to find the significant, the unusual, the outrageous, and the trend-defining news and summarize it for you. You can read the SNS in your email, or you can read it here. Use our search capability to find information you can use from our back issues.
Take a look at the white papers StratVantage has written for our clients. We can help your business establish thought leadership in your industry through the creation of white papers and newsletters. |
The TrendSpot
The TrendSpot documents the top trends we think will affect business in the near to medium term. We update it monthly changing rankings, modifying descriptions, and adding new trends.
If you want to find out how the latest trends will affect your business, you can subscribe to our CTOMentor advisory service.
As a public service, StratVantage maintains several resource directories. These directories are updated and new ones are added periodically. The subjects range from Job Seeking Resources to Nanotechnology. |
Marketing Information
Want to know how to promote your Web site or use the Internet to find new customers? Our Internet Marketing Resources section lists a number of free services you can either add to your Web page to help drive traffic, or use to help market your company on the Web. |
Basic Home Networking Security
Check out CTOMentor's recommendations for working from home.
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