In the US, the public WLAN market is forecast to include
21 million users and to generate $3 billion in annual revenues
by 2007. But 30 percent of enterprise network managers cite
lack of security as main feature limiting enterprise deployment.
Find out how to secure your wireless network.
“Computer security is a 40-year-old discipline; every year
there's new research, new technologies, new products, even
new laws. And every year things get worse,” said Bruce Schneier,
CIO, Counterpane Internet Security Inc. You can have the best
firewall, the best intrusion detection system, and the best
password system but if everyone in your organization is not
involved in your security, you might as well do nothing. Find
out more about protecting your organization by educating your
Technology is advancing at a dizzying rate, and business
and technical communications need to keep pace. Many of tomorrow's
business leaders will be part of a post-literate generation,
a generation raised on video games and MTV, and accustomed
to getting their information via quick jump cuts. New media
such as Instant Messaging, Flash animation, online video,
and blogs along with accelerated use of email, voice mail
and other electronic communication require communicators to
learn new ways of communicating. This presentation takes a
look at some of the most important new technologies that will
transform business, and at how to communicate in a rapidly
changing world.
With all the advances in technology bombarding us every
day, it's hard to sort out which ones will affect our day-to-day
businesses. This presentation examines currently evolving
and future technology trends and their impact on your business.
For example, who could have imagined even six or seven years
ago how much cell phones would change business practices?
Well, how will your business change when everyone has a videophone
in their pockets? How will you have to change your management
practices when your employees can continue to do business
no matter where they are, even on vacation? Find out what
you need to know and what you can do to be on the wave, not
under it.
With all the buzz these days around wireless voice and data
services including Cellular Internet access, 2-way paging,
Short Messaging Service, Wireless Instant Messaging, you have
to begin to wonder if this is a set of technologies looking
for a problem. It's all neat stuff --- but is it the
type of stuff that makes people say, "I've got to have
it"? What are all these new these applications
and how can they add to the productivity of your staff? Understanding
the issues below will help you decide when and if "you've
got to have it!"
Like most of the dotcom industry, business-to-business exchanges
have fallen out of favor with analysts and the media. Was
the whole eCommerce excitement just a soap bubble of irrational
exuberance, or are we just in a trough of disillusionment
before the whole exchange idea takes off? This presentation
examines the current state of exchanges - public, sponsored,
and private - and makes predictions on how electronic commerce
in general and the exchange concept in particular and will
evolve over the next several years.
The Application Service Provider market has seen rapid expansion
in recent years. Yet some pundits are predicting an equally
rapid deflation for ASPs. Recent flameouts of ASP startups
invite the question: Is the ASP outsourcing business model
still sound? This presentation assesses the current state
of the ASP market and considers two roles for telecom providers:
as users of ASP services for Operating Support Systems and
other aspects of the telecom supply chain, and as ASP providers
X2X and The B2B End Game
What will the landscape
look like when eBusiness growth is done and every business is
an eBusiness? Will there be thousands of free-standing exchanges,
or a handful of dominant, cross industry marketplaces? Will
the dominant paradigm be public exchanges, or will private exchanges
that extend the supply chain predominate? In this era of Internet
time, when long range planning means 6 to 12 months out, this
presentation imagines the future by examining the current trends
that will shape e-Business growth.
With all the hype
about public portals and exchanges, the quiet revolution of
the supply chain can get overlooked. This presentation not only
examines why the corporate portal is becoming the focal point
of a company's transformation into an e-Business, but how the
techniques and technologies being developed for public e-business
are being used to streamline corporations' private transactions
with partners.
So you want to be
an ASP? This presentation examines several critical factors
to assess when deciding whether to outsource your application
or content or offer it in the Application Service Provider model.
Presented as part of an eMarketplaces panel at Seybold, the
speech is targeted at content owners.
Partial Client List
CAMP Conferences, Chicago, IL
marcus evans Conferences, New York, NY
Delphi Group, Boston, MA
Seybold Group, Boston, MA
Twin Cities Electronic Commerce Forum, Minneapolis, MN
Minnesota Entrepreneurs, Inc., Minneapolis, MN
If you're interested in having Mike Ellsworth speak at your
event, please email .
or call 952-525-1584.